The Leaving Earth Family


T-Rex is the wife of Beejapheth and the big sister to Bear. She’s the graphic designer for the Leaving Earth Podcast. She is a quirky introvert that only shows her full weirdness to her family. She’s also the mother of way too many animals to count.


Bear is the wife of Johnny Anchors and the little sister to T-Rex. She’s a big promoter of Leaving Earth and keeps the rest of us in line. She is truly the sweetest person in the world, which is why she has so many friends. She is also the badass mom to Baby Bear Anchors.

Baby Bear Anchors

Baby Bear Anchors is obviously the baby of co-host Johnny Anchors and Bear. He is the most adorable and perfect baby in the entire world. His parents get told all the time that he is a spitting image of Grandpa King Arthur. This little man has so much love surrounding him and no one can ever get enough of him. His mommy and daddy have jumped into their new roles amazingly, but he makes sure to try to keep them on their toes.

Sergeant Brubby

Sergeant Brubby is T-Rex and Bear’s older brother, who has been in the Army since 2002. It’s a good thing he doesn’t live super close or who knows how much trouble him and the co-hosts would get in to. He is a major supporter of Leaving Earth and encourages all of his Army buddies to tune in as well. We thank all of them for their incredible service!



King Arthur is the late father of T-Rex and Bear. He was and always will be the NUMBER 1 FAN of the Leaving Earth Podcast. His personality was contagious and he was an incredibly wise (smart ass) man. His daughters and son-in-laws were his pride & joy. We all strive to make him proud each and every day. Please check out the King Arthur Tribute episode to learn more about this amazing man. We love and miss you King Arthur!