The Turtles

Beejapheth and T-Rex own 2 turtles. One Red-Eared Slider & one Leopard Tortoise.

 More Information on the Turtles

  • Hedwig was adopted from a local rescue. She was the first reptile that Beejapheth and T-Rex owned. She was found abandoned in a home when the owners moved out. She was left in very shallow, dirty water and without food. Since she was adopted, she’s been living in a 125-gallon tank with a raised basking area. Soon she will be moved into an upgraded 300-gallon indoor pond. She is definitely not a fan of human interaction unless she is being fed. But Beejapheth and T-Rex don’t blame her for having a sassy attitude towards humans and give her as much love as she’ll allow.

  • Myrtle was acquired through the same local breeder as Buckbeak. Beejapheth and T-Rex originally purchased two leopard tortoises, Myrtle and her clutch-mate, Arthur. Unfortunately, baby tortoises sometimes struggle to make it through the first few months of life. This is called “failure to thrive” and is usually caused by an underlying health issue. Beejapheth and T-Rex did everything they could for Arthur, but the vet ultimately recommended that the best course of action was to euthanize him since he was suffering. Luckily, Myrtle was one of the bigger babies of the clutch and was very strong. Although she is now alone in her enclosure, Beejapheth and T-Rex make sure to give her a lot of attention. If you thought tortoises were slow, you should see Myrtle at feeding time. She appears in her food dish in less than 30 seconds every time!


The Snakes